Monday, November 8, 2010


Another dye painting stage and then the whole piece got washed to remove the excess dye. This allowed me to photograph it up-front. A lot of the outcomes here will be over-dyed in due course but it does give me a base to work further.

A couple of small samples thinking through future applications.

And the last photos from the Chatham Islands:

This tree carving (dendroglyphs) was worked by the Moriori people who were the first settlers on the Chatham Islands. The carvings are under threat of deterioration and disappearing.

Me, and Tommy Solomon who died in 1938, the last full blood Moriori. Many of the current population of the Chatham Islands claim a mixture of Moriori, Maori and European descendants.

This is, I consider, the most successful photo from an ascetic point of view. Windswept cliff tops, ewe and her two lambs.

The plane out of the Chathams. Front part for passengers, the rear for cargo. Our flight had live crayfish destined for the markets in Hongkong.

1 comment:

  1. I love your photos of the Chathams Diana. Have you seen the exhibition at Pataka - THE MORIORI OF REKOHU: T'chakat henu - People of the Land
    22 August- 30 January 2011? It is well worth a look if you havent seen it, as is NGA KAKAHU: Change and Exchange, Jo Torr and Roka Ngarimu-Cameron 18 September - 13 Febuary.
