Friday, August 15, 2008

Cabbage and receiving new blogs as an email

You might like to consider having this Blog arrive in your email box after I have published. This avoids you having to remember to visit this Blog on the internet and will assure that you receive every posting. I would hate to think that you might miss something! Remember that this Blog is a tutorial, it is free, so why wouldn't you want to receive it!
Visit this website (RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary but I prefer to call it Really Simple Service). It has three very simple stages for you to complete. You may like to copy and paste the url ie into the space provided, or you can type it in. When the Blogs arrive in your email box don't forget to click on the LOAD IMAGES which will appear top right to download the images. You may unsubscribe at any time. Also, at the end of each Blog (when you are reading it on the internet, not the email) there is an envelope icon with an arrow allowing you to forward each Blog on to someone else.
OK that's enough of the really serious stuff (another RSS!). You may be puzzled as to why the images of a pile of fabric scraps and a cabbage. They are both (believe it or not) called cabbage. Yes, the green thing is definitely a cabbage, but according to a new book The Fairchild Encyclopedia of Menswear, Mary Lisa Vacenas, ISBN 9781563674655 Fairchild Books, years ago traditional tailors used to call the scraps of fabric left over from cutting out a garment, cabbage. (Ref: Selvedge magazine )
This week I visited Pataka in Porirua. All galleries feature textiles, Sharing Stories, Amazing Lace, Lightwaves, Muramura, Regeneration. Well worth a visit. Also the cafe has really super sustenance – there's that RSS again!
Next Blog: Using Your Digital Camera as a Design Tool, Part 2