Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to Diana's Occasional Blog

Blogs have always been somewhat of a mystery to me although I have often visited others which have aroused some interest. I must confess I have been running hot and cold on whether to have a blog of my own and, to be very honest, part of it is to challenge myself as to whether I could get this thing to work! Its purpose, I have finally decided, is to share what I am doing as a studio artist, both successes and failures, and to act as a tutorial. Events and anything else related to textiles and art will be covered as well; plus life with all its vagaries. I intend to blog approximately three to four times a month. I promise to add lots of pictures!
So here goes, deep breath and all that stuff.....

Above is a cameo detail from one of my recently completed works. This detail is about an A4 size and the whole piece somewhat larger. This work FISSURE took awhile to find a focus but has resolved into a pleasing work. It started with dyeing the fabric one flat colour, then lots of discharge (dye removal) techniques with Thiox, applying new colours, discharging again, and yet more dye colours and discharge again, and so on.... Each application is followed by a wash then re-assessed as to what to do next.
I have recently returned from three weeks in Spain. Part of this time was walking approximately 200k in the north of Spain. I shall add some of my photos from time to time. To start with, here is a couple from my trek through rural northern Spain. My tour was organised by http://www.lifestylejourneys.co.nz/

Next Blog: Using your digital camera to make design decisions with work in progress.