I will be there with my Uppity Fabrics, Stall #A23, right next to the entrance/exit to the workshops and displays, so I can't be missed. My stall will have hand-dyed fabric lengths, garments, my Hand-dyed Hues range of variegated embroidery threads, hand-dyed cotton fat quarters, plus scrap bags ideal for doll-makers. Come for a browse and a chat, I look forward to seeing many friends and associates again.
In fact, I sometimes wonder whether this is the secret of these events. There is always such a buzz with people meeting and sharing their love of handcrafts. I know some people make this an annual pilgrimage. This of course is no different from any group which bonds through a common interest, such as gardening, music, cooking etc. They are part of society's well-being and certainly need to be nurtured.
48 days to my exhibition. Being away for almost a week will have the added bonus of separation from this major commitment. Although I thrive on the focus of working towards my exhibition, every now and again there needs to be a break, a change of scenery. Attending the Craft & Quilt Show is therefore good timing. I hope to returned re-energized and ready to complete those last two pieces for my exhibition.
My next blog will be after I return from the Craft and Quilt Fair.
Thanks for reading my blog.